Marguerite Palmeri
Former Yeast Sufferer
We've never met. But I think we share a
common interest.
That interest is in getting rid of your
Yeast Infection quickly, safely and naturally
you having to take immune reducing and expensive antibiotics or
having to pay crazy medical bills!
I know what you're going through. I was in your shoes
suffering from Yeast Infections 3-4 times
a year. The pain was unbearable. I had unusual
vaginal Discharge, vaginal pain and burning
sensations during intercourse and of course the
awful white and thick discharge coming from the infection.
The itching and redness was very painful and
It's an itchy feeling you might hardly notice at first.
Maybe it's just that your jeans are too tight...
Actually, tight jeans may have something to do with it. But if the
itch keeps getting itchier, even when your jeans have been off for
awhile, then there's something else involved.
That something else could very well be a fungus whose technical name
is Candida, and which causes what is often called a "yeast"
infection. Such infections are most common in teenage girls and
women aged 16 to 35, although they can occur in girls as young as 10
or 11 and in older women (and less often, in men and boys as well).
You do not have to be sexually active to get a yeast infection.
The Food and Drug Administration now allows medicines that used to
be prescription-only to be sold without a prescription to treat
vaginal yeast infections that keep coming back. But before you run
out and buy one, if you've never been treated for a yeast infection
you should see a doctor. Your doctor may advise you to use one of
the over-the-counter products or may prescribe a drug called
Diflucan (fluconazole). FDA recently approved the drug, a tablet
taken by mouth, for clearing up yeast infections with just one dose.
Though itchiness is a main symptom of yeast infections, if you've
never had one before, it's hard to be sure just what's causing your
discomfort. After a doctor makes a diagnosis of vaginal yeast
infection, if you should have one again, you can more easily
recognize the symptoms that make it different from similar problems.
If you have any doubts, though, you should contact your doctor.
In addition to intense itching, another symptom of a vaginal yeast
infection is a white curdy or thick discharge that is mostly
odorless. Although some women have discharges midway between their
menstrual periods, these are usually not yeast infections,
especially if there's no itching.
Other symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection include:
- soreness
- rash on
outer lips of the vagina
- burning,
especially during urination.
It's important to
remember that not all girls and women experience all these symptoms,
and if intense itching is not present it's probably something else.
Candida is a fungus often present in the human body. It only causes
problems when there's too much of it. Then infections can occur not
only in the vagina but in other parts of the body as well--and in
both sexes. Though there are four different types of Candida that
can cause these infections, nearly 80 percent are caused by a
variety called Candida albicans.
The biggest cause of Candida infections is lowered immunity. This
can happen when you get run down from doing too much and not getting
enough rest. Or it can happen as a result of illness.
Though not usual, repeated yeast infections, especially if they
don't clear up with proper treatment, may sometimes be the first
sign that a woman is infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
FDA requires that over-the-counter (OTC) products to treat yeast
infections carry the following warning:
"If you experience vaginal yeast infections frequently (they recur
within a two-month period) or if you have vaginal yeast infections
that do not clear up easily with proper treatment, you should see
your doctor promptly to determine the cause and receive proper
medical care."
Repeated yeast infections can also be caused by other, less serious,
illnesses or physical and mental stress. Other causes include:
- use of
antibiotics and some other medications, including birth control
significant change in the diet
- poor
- diabetes
Some women get mild
yeast infections towards the end of their menstrual periods,
possibly in response to the body's hormonal changes. These mild
infections sometimes go away without treatment as the menstrual
cycle progresses. Pregnant women are also more prone to develop
yeast infections.
Sometimes hot, humid weather can make it easier for yeast infections
to develop. And wearing layers of clothing in the winter that make
you too warm indoors can also increase the likelihood of infection.
"Candida infections are not usually thought of as sexually
transmitted diseases," says Renata Albrecht, M.D., of FDA's division
of anti-infective drug products. But, she adds, they can be
transmitted during sex.
The best way not to have to worry about getting yeast infections
(according to the "experts") is not to have sex.
Excuse me
Wouldn't you like to
keep having sex
without worrying about getting another
yeast infection
I had tried many antibiotics and pain relief medication and those
worked for a day or so but the infection always came back.
It was unbearable and I wanted to find a cure and
get rid of my yeast infections for good!
So I began a very long exhaustive extensive
research and testing which lead to the creation of my
report which I'm confident will help you get
rid of your Yeast infections within the next 12hrs like it
has for
hundreds of other Yeast infection sufferers like
The key to
getting rid of Yeast infections is finding a way to completely
flush out and eliminate the overgrowth of yeast and remove the
Candida Albicans bacteria causing you these painful Yeast
Infections, I have discovered how to flush them out and
completely heal yeast infections in 12 hours flat keep reading
to learn how... |
Some people are more prone to getting a Yeast
Infection than others.
If you go to see your doctor he will most likely give you
Warning Most Doctors Won't Think Twice About Treating Your
Yeast Infections With Antibiotics...

problem with antibiotics is that they kill all the
beneficial bacteria in your body - along with the bad. Plus,
your body becomes immune to antibiotics over time, thus
lessening the effectiveness of the antibiotics. That's why
you need a natural remedy - yours today for immediate
download, when you try
"The Yeast Infection 12 Hour Cure"
I did not want to take antibiotics as I knew they were not good for
my immune system and my body. So I continued my research and
discovered a 100% natural way to get rid of Yeast Infection
in 12 hours
with immediate relief starting only 20 minutes after I took
the first ingredient. And I found out exactly what
was causing these horrible Yeast infections and have been
Yeast infection free for over 2 years now!
"After extensive testing and trying different remedies I
found a combination that will totally cure your Yeast
Infection and offer instant relief using my safe
natural at home remedy and regular at home cooking
ingredients!" |
The Secret Formula Is Revealed In The Yeast Infection 12 Hour Cure
Here's just some of what you'll learn inside this "miracle cure"
How to STOP your pain and the ITCHING within the first 10-20
minutes! |
How to cure your Yeast infection in 12hrs or less guaranteed! |
How to prevent Yeast infections from ever attacking you again! |